Last Updated on December 27, 2022 by Sarah Smith
A real man knows one woman is enough
I want to talk about real men. And by that, I mean “real” in a sense other than the physical. A real man is one who knows how to be faithful and loyal, who respects his wife and treats her with dignity and love–and who holds himself accountable for his actions. A real man doesn’t hit women or have sex with anyone other than his wife. A real man doesn’t lie or cheat on his partner either–he tells the truth, no matter what (whether it’s hard or easy).
A real man knows that one woman is enough. He does not think about other women and he does not desire them sexually. If a man finds himself thinking about other women, he looks at pornography or is actively seeking out the company of another woman, he is not a “real man.” I hate to be so heteronormative, but here it is:
A real man loves his wife and makes her happy with him in spite of all the struggles they may face together (and alone). He loves her with all his heart, body and soul—not just in an abstract sense but as if she were truly his own flesh-and-blood child whom he had raised up from infancy after being told by God that he must go through this ordeal alone until such time as it was finally over with; then only then would he be allowed back into paradise where there would no longer be any need for suffering because everything would always be perfect now!
Reading Suggestion : 10+ Best Ways to Elicit the Hero Instinct and Entice Him to Commit!
A real man doesn’t lie to his wife.

A real man doesn’t lie to his wife.
A real man doesn’t lie to his wife about anything.
A real man also knows that it’s not worth the trouble or risk of lying to her, so he never does it at all, even when she asks him if something is true or not (which she won’t).
A real man doesn’t hit his wife.
You see, a real man doesn’t hit his wife.
A real man is strong enough to know that he can’t control everything, and if he can’t control something in his life then it’s time for him to change the way that he thinks about things. He realizes that there are certain things in life which are out of your control and this makes you realize how vulnerable we are as humans. A real man knows that without his wife by his side (or at least somewhere nearby), he wouldn’t have any purpose or meaning in life; therefore, no one should ever hit someone because they’re not worth hitting!
A real man doesn’t have sex with everyone who’s willing.
A real man knows one woman is enough.
You can’t be a real man if you’re not surrounded by women and have sex with them all the time. If a woman isn’t willing to sleep with you, then she’s not your type, or maybe it’s just that she has other priorities in life—like school or work—that keep her from having sex with men like yourself (who are also busy). But if she says yes, then congratulations! It means that she wants to have fun with someone who understands what it means to be a man; someone who respects his woman and knows how important it is for her to feel safe at all times.
A real man doesn’t play games when it comes down to commitment; he doesn’t jump into bed with anyone just because they’re hot or attractive or whatever else people might say about them while they’re having sex together…and he definitely won’t do something so irresponsible as putting another person through pain unnecessarily just because they want some fun too!
A real man doesn’t flirt with other women.

Flirting is harmless, but it can lead to more serious problems.
Flirting is a form of communication that can be used to manipulate people. Flirting often has no apparent intentions other than showing interest in someone else and testing the waters for a romantic relationship (or anything else). A real man doesn’t flirt with other women because he knows that this behavior isn’t just harmless—it actually causes trouble for himself and others around him!
A real man isn’t a pedophile.
No, I’m not talking about child predators and their victims, but rather the people who have sex with children they’re related to or love like family. The difference between them and you is that you know what being in an intimate relationship means: it’s about loving another person, wanting them as part of your life, caring for them even when they don’t feel like it (which happens sometimes). It’s not about exploiting someone else—it’s about giving yourself up for the other person so that they can rely on you when times are tough.
There are many reasons why this kind of behavior might take place: maybe there was abuse in the past; maybe one partner wasn’t ready yet; maybe both partners felt pressured by society into getting married young (and thus having kids soon after). But whatever happened here—whether it was something good or bad—there is no excuse for hurting someone else just because doing so makes YOU feel good!
A real man doesn’t send lewd photos to other people’s wives and girlfriends.
A real man doesn’t send lewd photos to other people’s wives and girlfriends. It is disrespectful to the women involved, it is disrespectful to the men involved and it is disrespectful to the families involved. It also disrespects our community because we live in an age where everyone has access to technology that can be used for good or evil purposes.
A real man knows one woman is enough!
A real man doesn’t cheat on his wife.

You’ve heard the saying, “One woman is enough.” Well, what about two? Or three? Or four?
You may be wondering why we would say that. After all, taking on more than one woman can be very beneficial for a man—especially if you’re into BDSM or polyamory. But there’s an important reason why this isn’t necessarily true: when a man cheats on his wife (or girlfriends), he’s betraying her trust and breaking her heart. That’s not just bad for him; it hurts everyone involved—and it leaves us feeling insecure and suspicious of our partners’ feelings toward us.
In short: cheating is a form of emotional abuse that happens when someone chooses to ignore their partner’s needs in favor of pursuing another person instead—and if they don’t feel loved anymore because they’re always second-stringed in their relationship with one person, “it could lead them down the path towards depression.”
A real man keeps the promises he makes to his wife—to be loyal and faithful to her, in sickness and in health, till death do them part.
A real man keeps the promises he makes to his wife—to be loyal and faithful to her, in sickness and in health, till death do them part.
A real man also knows how to treat a woman with respect and kindness. He doesn’t disrespect her by talking down to her or calling her names. The same goes for children: they deserve good treatment just like any other human being does, so don’t be mean because it hurts their feelings!
It’s time to hold men accountable for their behavior — starting with sexual harassment and abuse.

It’s time to hold men accountable for their behavior — starting with sexual harassment and abuse.
Men should be held accountable for their actions, words, and attitude towards women (and other marginalized groups). They tend to think they can get away with anything because they’re men, but this is not true. If you have been affected by any type of sexual harassment or abuse at work or in your personal life — even if it was just one incident — speak up!
I’m tired of hearing men make excuses for their behavior, or blame other people or “the system” for their actions. It’s time to hold men accountable for their behavior – starting with sexual harassment and abuse. It’s not your fault; you were born male and that is how you were raised by parents who raised you to think this way. It’s not your fault; it’s the culture that you live in that taught you that this behavior is acceptable. It’s not your fault; it’s society who needs to change its views on how men treat women.