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What Does It Mean to Choose Your Hard?

choose your hard

Last Updated on February 13, 2023 by Sarah Smith

What does it mean to choose your hard?

If you’ve ever heard the phrase “choose your hard,” you know it’s a lot of talk about how we should make our choices intentionally.  It’s about being intentional about what we say yes to and no to in life, but there is another way of choosing your hard that I have been learning over the past year, especially in the last few months.

This other way looks like a lot of prayers and asking God to equip us through His Spirit.  It will also look like doing things in small pieces or increments so that they don’t overwhelm us or take too much time away from other important things (like spending time with friends).  We can’t do it all at once; we have to take each step at a time!

Choose your hard.  It’s a phrase I hear more and more.  Usually, it’s in terms of why we need to be intentional about what we say yes to and no to.

Choosing your hard is a phrase that has been around for a while.  It’s used in regard to making decisions and often refers to saying no or yes to things.

The idea of choosing your hard comes from the idea of doing what it takes, whether that means working really hard or being willing to sacrifice certain things in order for something else.

Reading Suggestion : Feeling Out of Place in Life? 5 Ways to Get Back on Track.

different types of choosing your hard

But there is a different type of choosing your hard that I have been learning over the past year, especially in the last few months.

It’s when we choose our hards on purpose, with intention and clarity. It’s not just about saying no or yes—it’s about what we say yes to and no to.

It’s choosing the hard that you didn’t want

But it’s not just a choice you make. It’s choosing the hard that you didn’t want or expect, but you walk through life knowing it is the right choice to make.

For instance:

  • You know your friend needs help with their finances, but for some reason, it doesn’t feel like an emergency situation (and maybe they’re just being an idiot). So instead of helping them out financially, which could destroy your relationship with them forever (and actually would), instead offer some advice on how they can handle their money better in the future.
  • You’ve been trying to get pregnant since before we even got married—but now after four years of trying everything under the sun and still no success—you finally decide this isn’t working anymore and go see a specialist who says there might be something wrong with either one of us having trouble conceiving naturally due to factors outside our control such as age/health issues, etc…

So how do you choose your hard?  And how do you make it easier?

First, know what you want. You might think that this is obvious; after all, who doesn’t want to be successful and happy? But sometimes people get caught up in their own heads—that’s why it’s important to dive deeper into the meaning of happiness and success. If these words sound familiar (or sound like they come from an advertisement), then that’s because they have been used over and over again by companies trying to sell us things we don’t need or want.

Once we’ve identified our goals for ourselves and our personal values as well as set boundaries around those goals/values so that no one can take advantage of us through trickery or manipulation then we can start making decisions about which path will lead us towards achieving those desired outcomes.

Choosing your hard usually looks like a lot of prayers

Choosing your hard usually looks like a lot of prayers and asking God to equip you. It will also look like doing things in small pieces or increments. We can’t do it all at once. We have to take each step at a time.

But choosing your hard is more than just having faith that God will help us; it’s about making sure that our heart isn’t hardened by circumstances and situations we wouldn’t want for ourselves or someone else.


I hope this post has given you a better understanding of what choosing your hard means, and how it can help us.  We all have to make decisions in life and choose our path, but sometimes these choices aren’t always easy or upfront.  It may take some time for us to figure out what will ultimately make us happy, but we should never forget that God is with us every step of the way!

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What does it mean to choose those who choose you?

Choosing your hard is a choice you make. It’s something that happens to you, and it’s not always easy. You might have a hard time choosing your hard because you’re afraid of the unknown or because you don’t know what kind of person will be in your life when this new phase starts up on the horizon. But there are ways to get over these things:
●   Remember that no matter how hard things get or how rough they seem now, they’ll eventually work themselves out into something beautiful and amazing if we just hang in there long enough (and trust me—they will).
●   The best way to choose your hard is by focusing on all the good things in life instead of only looking at their shortcomings; otherwise, we’ll never see them as anything but negatives!

Why you should always try your hardest?

Here are some reasons why you should always try your hardest:
●   You can always do better. There is no such thing as a perfect day or even an average one. The only way to get better at something is by trying hard and pushing yourself beyond what’s comfortable or familiar.
●   You are capable of more than you think! We all have different strengths and weaknesses, but the key here is understanding your abilities so that they can be used effectively in various situations. Just because someone else has more experience doesn’t mean that they know everything—it just means they’re less likely to make mistakes along with their lack of knowledge (which makes them dangerous). So try not to be afraid of making mistakes; instead, embrace them as learning opportunities!
●   It’s the only way to see what kind of person YOU really are! When we fail at something or struggle through an obstacle in life it may seem like there isn’t anything left inside us anymore–but when we succeed at something new then suddenly everything changes again…and now YOU know exactly who YOU really are!

Why do we choose to do hard things?

We can’t always do what we want, and there will be times when we need to make sacrifices. But if you’re looking for a way to show your love for God and others, this is a good place to start. It’s also one of the best ways that anyone can help someone else in need!

Is it correct to say choose your choice?

You can also choose your own adventure.
This is not just the title of a book series, but also an expression that means to create or go on a journey of discovery. It’s your chance to decide what happens next in your life and how you will get there. In this sense, choosing your hard means choosing what kind of work will be most effective for you—and it might not always be obvious at first!
For example: If someone was trying out different careers before finding their passion (such as becoming a firefighter), then they would have chosen their hard by looking at all possible options before deciding which path would serve them best.

How do I choose a guy wisely?

You’re in a relationship with someone, and you think that they should be the one. But then it happens: You find out that they’re not quite what you’d hoped for or expected. You feel disappointed and confused by this new information, but there was no time to process it before your date arrived.
Now what? Shouldn’t we stay consistent with our choice-making process? Of course! But how do we do that without making more mistakes? How can we choose wisely when our hearts are broken?
The answer lies in asking God to equip us so He can lead us through every difficult situation we encounter as people who love Him very much—and who want everyone else around them to know how much He loves them too!

How do you choose your partner?

Choosing a partner is not easy. You have to find someone who will be supportive of you and your dreams, as well as someone who is kind and caring enough to help you through tough times.
You should also choose someone who wants to work on the relationship with you because it takes work! If they’re not willing to put in the effort, then why would they be good for anything else? The same goes for being a good parent: if your partner doesn’t care about their child or family life at all (or even worse—they don’t even bother trying), then there’s no point in getting involved with them in any way shape, or form.
And lastly… honesty and loyalty are key components of healthy relationships as well! It’s no good having people around whom everyone can count on; we need people who stand by us through thick and thin (or thin).

What are the three big choices in life?

There are three big choices in life: choose your hard, choose your partner and choose your career.
The first one is easy to understand: you have to decide what kind of work you want to do for a living. If this is not clear yet, ask yourself this question: “What do I like?”. You need something that makes sense for who you are and how passionate about it would be able to bring joy into other people’s lives with their own passion.

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