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Why do girls call a guy yummy and like dating yummy guys? (8 Simple Reasons)

dating yummy

Last Updated on January 17, 2023 by Sarah Smith

Why do girls call a guy yummy and like dating yummy guys?

If you’re a guy, and someone calls you yummy, it can be taken in many ways. Some girls think that they are just being nice and sweet while others might actually be attracted to you. It all depends on who is calling whom yummy!

It’s a compliment

It means that she finds you attractive.

It means that she finds you interesting.

It means that she thinks you’re funny!

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It’s fun

Did you know that calling a guy “yummy” is a fun way to flirt? It’s true!

Calling someone “yummy” means they are attractive, and if you want to show your attraction for them, using this term makes it easier. You’re not going out on a limb here—it’s just a way of saying, “I really like this person.” Maybe even more than that: it can be an indicator that the person being called yummy may also be attracted back at some point (and then maybe even fall in love).

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It can be reassuring

Yummy is a term of endearment that can be used by girls to express their attraction and desire for you. It’s a way of saying “I like you,” without having to actually say it out loud. If she calls you yummy, she may be attracted to your personality or physical features, but more likely she’s just trying to get closer without being too forward.

If a girl calls another girl “yummy,” it might mean:

  • She wants sex with her (but only if the other girl agrees). In this case, if the other girl isn’t into it then there probably won’t be any further contact between them—unless they’re friends who have mutual interests in music or art together!
  • She wants an exclusive relationship with one person at a time; this could apply either way depending on context: if there are already two people involved then maybe only one person gets called cute-munchy-cuddly…or maybe all three do depend upon how much affection each needs at different times throughout life cycle.

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Don’t think too hard about it!

If you’re looking for the meaning of the term “yummy,” look no further than your own brain. You know what I’m talking about—the part that goes through life thinking about things like whether or not to have coffee with a girl or if she’s going out with someone else before she finally decides in favor of me. This is all well and good, but it can get exhausting after a while!

So here’s my advice: don’t overthink it! Just enjoy being around cute girls (and boys) who feel attracted to you because they think you’re yummy too.

It can have a different meaning

You may be thinking, “What does a girl mean when she says my boyfriend is yummy?”

It can have different meanings:

  • Attractive – He’s handsome and/or cute. Maybe he has a nice smile or nice eyes. Maybe his body is fit and muscular, or maybe he just looks good in general (like Tom Cruise). Maybe the way he walks is sexy, or maybe it’s something else about him that makes people think, “Wow—that guy is hot!”
  • Sweet – Your boyfriend treats others well; he doesn’t hurt anyone with his words or actions. He’s kind hearted and friendly towards everyone around him—even though sometimes things might get heated between them!

If a girls talk to you, but also talks to other guys, then this means that she finds you yummy.

This is the most common reason why girls call a guy yummy: they want to make you jealous. If a girl talks to another guy and then calls you yummy, it means that she likes both of them but wants to make sure that he knows how much she likes him. She may also be just being friendly with the other guy and would never want him to know about it. In this case, it could be good for your confidence if you let her know that he can’t compete with what’s happening between your two lips (or wherever).

She might feel attracted

You might be wondering why a girl would call you yummy. The answer is simple: She might feel attracted to you. If she likes what she sees, she will want to kiss or cuddle with you. Maybe even have sex with you!

Girls use this word a lot and it can mean anything.

You’re probably familiar with the term “yummy,” which basically means anything. It can be used to describe a person, place or thing. But it’s also a word that girls use to describe guys—and not just any guy, but an attractive one.

The reason for this is simple: when you’re looking at someone, it’s hard to tell whether they’re attractive or not without putting them in context of their entire appearance (which may include clothes). In other words: you don’t know if they look nice on the outside until you see what’s under their shirt…or jacket…or whatever else is covering up those abs!

So, what does this mean? Well, if I’m talking about my crush at school who always wears blue jeans with white sneakers and has long hair down his back then I’ll say something like “I think he looks yummy.” If instead, my crush was wearing red flares with yellow stripes across his pant legs then I’d say something along these lines: “He looks so cute!”


We are glad to see that most of you have answered the question, “What does it mean when a girl calls you yummy?” with “It means she likes you!” But the deeper meaning of this word is much more complicated than just liking someone. You can think about all those things that we mentioned above and then add them up into one big picture. If we were to sum up all these things in one sentence – it would be: A girl who calls another guy ‘yummy’ might want him for herself, but she doesn’t want anyone else to know about her feelings because it might make other people jealous.

Now, remember how difficult it can be for people to understand each other? Well, if someone has feelings towards another person without letting them know about them, then they’re bound to feel confused at some point or another.

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People Also Ask:

What does it mean when a girl calls you yummy?

If a girl calls you yummy, it means she finds you attractive. A lot of girls will call a guy yummy when they want to get to know them better and see if there’s anything more than the physical attraction between them. They might also be interested in being friends with a guy who is considered attractive by others who have met him.
If this is true for you, then let the compliments flow! And remember: don’t take them personally—it doesn’t mean that all women love your body or think that they are “yummy” themselves (though some might). Instead of taking it as flattery, consider it more like an honest evaluation on how good-looking someone (or something) is and how difficult their job must be!

What does it mean when a boy calls you yummy?

Being called yummy is a good thing. A boy who calls you yummy means he thinks you’re attractive, and that’s always a good thing! It could also mean he wants to date you, or just be friends with you.
If a boy calls another girl “yummy,” it usually means that he finds her physically attractive, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they want to get physical with each other right away. He might want to be your boyfriend later down the road after they’ve gotten to know each other better through talking on the phone or texting back and forth over email (or maybe even meeting in person).

What does it mean when a girl says she wants to taste you?

When a girl says she wants to taste you, it means she wants to kiss you. It’s as simple as that. She’s flirting with your lips and pretending that they’re hers in order to get closer to what she really wants: sex with you!
If a girl calls another girl Yummy, then it means they are interested in each other. This can be seen through the way they talk about each other—the tone of voice and body language will tell their story without them even saying a word!

What is a yummy person?

A yummy person is someone who is attractive. You might be a yummy person if you’re sexy, or if your friends think that you are sexy, or if strangers on the street think that you’re sexy.
But the best part about being a yummy person is that it means both men and women find you appealing! That’s right—you can be both man-attractive and woman-attractive at once! This makes for some pretty exciting opportunities for dating (and possibly marriage).

What is the slang word for yummy?

Yummy is a slang word for delicious, attractive, and tasty.
It’s a shortened version of the word yummy and it’s used to describe something that is good-looking or delicious, such as food or clothes. It can also be used to describe someone who looks good in your eyes! For example: “You look so yummy today.”

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