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He Played Me, Yet I Still Want Him Back.

He Played Me

Last Updated on December 19, 2022 by Sarah Smith

He played me, yet I still want him back.

I have been single for almost 24 years and have had many men tell me that they love me and want to be with me. I fell in love with one man who told me he loved me but then started talking about other people behind my back. He played me, yet I still want him back.

He played me

He played me. He’s a sociopath, and you all know it. He’s a narcissist who has no regard for human life or happiness. He will never change his ways because they are who he is; therefore, if you love him and want to be with him, then accept that fact now and move on with your life while still remembering the pain he caused you in the past by leaving you broken-hearted when he left your hometown as soon as we got married (he said it was because our relationship was not working out).

Reading Suggestion : I had a gut feeling he’s cheating no proof.

I fell in love with a sociopath who is a narcissist.

A sociopath is a person who lacks empathy and has no sense of right or wrong. They don’t feel remorse for their actions, and they can be manipulative to get what they want.

Narcissists are people who think they are superior to others—they believe they are better than others in every way possible, so if someone disagrees with them, it must be because of their inferiority (or lack thereof). Narcissists also have very inflated self-esteem; any disagreement with them immediately fuels their insecurity about their own worthiness as a person or partner in life.

The difference between these two types of people is that sociopaths aren’t necessarily malicious towards others; however, narcissists usually do harm things around them—even family members! This makes them difficult to love because you never know when your partner might turn on you without warning! It’s important not only to understand how these types of personalities work but also to understand how other people react differently when dealing with each type.

Reading suggestion : “What Are You Looking for in a Relationship?” Is a Test – How Should You Respond?

He played me, yet I still want him back.

You are not the first woman to fall in love with a sociopath. If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve loved someone who played you. Maybe he was married or had children, or maybe there was no other woman involved; either way, the situation is still the same: your heart has been broken by a person who did not deserve it.

But don’t worry! You will get over him eventually (or at least I hope so). And even if that never happens—even if he doesn’t change his ways completely—you’ll meet someone else who treats you better and cares about what happens in your life more than how much money his wife makes doing whatever she does with other people’s money besides him (and even then, only sometimes).

And on top of all that? You’re still alive!

Reading Suggestion : Am I Overthinking or Is He Losing Interest? (7 Significant Signs)

I am mostly interested in knowing what you would do if you were in my shoes.

You need to know what you want.

You also need to know what you don’t want.

And if you’re willing to take the risk, then it’s worth taking!

If not, then perhaps there are other things that are more important for now.

I don’t know how to forgive him or myself.

I don’t know how to forgive him or myself. I keep feeling guilty about it, and then I remember that he manipulated me into believing he was a better person than he actually is. And so on and so forth…I have been in therapy for over two years now, trying to understand my feelings about this situation and how they affect me today (and tomorrow). And though I’ve learned a lot from my therapist over time, nothing has helped more than reading other peoples’ stories online – which often feel like mine! You see: if you’re broken inside too…you’ll probably relate to these words just as much as anyone else reading them right now!

Reading Suggestion: 15 Tips on How To Forgive Yourself for Cheating and Not Telling?


This is a very delicate subject. It’s not easy to talk about, but I hope this article has helped you understand what it feels like when your heart breaks and how much it can hurt at some point in time. Heartbreak is a difficult feeling to explain and even more difficult to cope with. It can make you feel like your life is over and there’s nothing left for you in this world, but that’s not true! You’ll get through this.

15 Signs He’s Playing with Your Feelings

15 Signs He’s Playing with Your Feelings

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