Last Updated on October 21, 2023 by Sarah Smith
How To Ignore Your Husband to Teach Him A Lesson?
How to ignore your husband to teach him a lesson? We all know that being a good wife means giving your husband what he wants. However, sometimes it’s not possible to give him everything he asks for—and when this happens, you have to find another way to get his attention.
If you’re like a good wife, your husband is everything. He’s the person who makes you laugh, he’s the one who makes your heart melt with just a look or touch.
He’s also known for being overly jealous and possessive of his wife—and I’m not talking about it in a romantic way either! But if you’re married to someone like this and want to learn how to ignore them so they’ll finally stop nagging at you all day long, then I have good news for you:
It doesn’t take much effort or skill at all! All it takes is some creativity (and maybe some kindness too) because ignoring your husband can be easily achieved by doing something else instead of engaging with him on any level whatsoever throughout his entire waking hours every single day…
Here are some ways you can ignore your husband without making things worse:
Do not give full attention to him
If you are busy, he will know that you are busy and he also knows that if he were to ask for your attention then it is likely that you would give him some of it. So instead of giving full attention to his a, try giving him partial attention by looking over at him or asking what he wants for dinner when he comes home from work but does not actually talk to him just yet because if you were talking with him then there would be less time for other things like watching TV together or reading emails together (which we both love doing).
Be busy
- Do not make eye contact.
- Do not talk to your husband.
- Do not ask him questions.
- Do not give him a hug or touch him at all, even if he is your husband and you love each other (I know this one may be hard).
Don’t text or call him
- Don’t text or call him.
- Don’t ask him questions, like “how was your day?” or “how are you feeling?” This could make him feel like he has to answer all of them and it will also give you an opportunity to criticize whatever he says. If you really want to know how his day went, ask him during dinner when there’s more time for conversation between the two of you.
- Also do not ask if he is ok; instead, just check in with him every once in a while, through text or email so that both parties know what’s going on in each other’s lives without having any actual face-to-face contact!
Give him nothing
- Do not talk to him.
- Do not look at him.
- Do not acknowledge him.
- Do not respond to his questions or comments, no matter how tempting it may be for you to say something snarky in response, even though you know that what he’s asking for is just a nice way of saying “Can we please have sex now because I really want it?” (And don’t even get us started on how much time husbands spend discussing their wives’ sex lives.)
Reading Suggestions :
17 Signs He Wants To Make Love To You
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12 reasons you are dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore
Gut feeling someone is attracted to you (9 Signs it’s true)
How To Ignore Your Husband to Teach Him A Lesson? 10 Things you can do.
learn how not to moan at your husband
- Don’t moan about everything.
- Don’t complain about his cooking.
- Don’t complain about his driving or the fact that he drives too fast and doesn’t slow down for you when driving in traffic.
- Don’t complain that he wears the same clothes every day (and if you do, just change them). In fact, try to find something else to complement him with! For example: if he always wears black shoes and socks every day, then get him some black shoes and socks for his birthday next year! It will make a huge difference in their relationship as well as yours because now YOU don’t have to worry about matching each other’s outfits anymore! Yay!
Withhold sex
When he’s trying to get you in the mood, don’t let him. Don’t give him a reason to think that you’re interested. If he’s trying to get your attention, ignore it and pretend like nothing’s happening. Also, don’t make it obvious that you’re not interested in saying things like “Let’s do something fun tonight,” or “I’m feeling a little tired.” This will only give him another chance at getting what he wants out of the situation—and might even lead him to make decisions that could hurt everyone involved in the long run!
Don’t acknowledge him when he talks to you
- Don’t look at him.
- Don’t respond.
- Don’t make eye contact with him, or acknowledge his presence in any way (don’t even say hello).
Don’t ask him questions about how his day went
You don’t need to know what he did, what he ate, or what he watched on TV last night. If you want to know something specific about him—like if your husband had a good breakfast and that’s why he was so happy this morning—that’s fine! But if it’s not something that needs to be shared with the world (and especially not with other people), then don’t ask it of him.
Be rude
To be blunt, being rude is a terrible idea. You’ll likely end up with the same response from your husband that you got from others: “What’s gotten into you?” or “You’re such a bitch!”
No matter how hard it is to ignore him, don’t do it. It’s better for everyone if he learns his lesson the hard way and never does anything like this again (or worse).
Be passive-aggressive about household chores
- Don’t do the chores.
- Don’t help with the chores.
- Don’t clean up after yourself (i.e., don’t put away your laundry).
- Don’t take out the trash/litter box and help you with this task as well; just leave it for him to do! This is another way of being passive-aggressive because it makes him feel like he’s not doing enough around the house and that he needs help from his wife or girlfriend by taking care of things like cleaning up after themselves in order not only show them how much effort they are putting into their relationship but also make sure they understand what kind of person they want their partner to be so they can live happily ever after together forevermore!
Hope that he gets the point, but it’s likely to make things worse.
It’s a bad idea to ignore your husband, and it’s likely to make things worse.
He may not understand why you’re doing it. This can lead him to feel rejected, which could cause him to lash out at you—or even worse, he might think that if he doesn’t get his way the relationship will end up in divorce.
If you’re trying to get him to do something and he refuses, what’s your next step?
- Pay attention to your husband and his needs.
- Don’t be too hard on him if he’s being a jerk, but also don’t let it go without saying something.
- Try not to take things personally when he’s being an asshole, because you know that isn’t really what he meant (but it doesn’t mean you can’t still have an interesting discussion about how much time he spends in the bathroom).
I hope that you can see the logic in these strategies. They may not work for everyone, but they’re certainly worth a try.
In the end, you should not ignore your husband because it is a sign of disrespect. It will only lead to trouble in your marriage. So try not to do it and teach him some good lessons.
If you have any other ideas or strategies that you’ve found helpful when dealing with an abusive husband, please share them in the comments below!
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How do I start ignoring my husband?
To avoid your husband, try doing something you enjoy, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with your friends. If you must communicate with him, be polite but formal in your responses.
Does ignoring your husband work?
Cold shouldering can be harmful to your marriage in the long run. There can be no true bond between two people in a relationship if there is no communication. Ignoring your spouse will eventually irritate him.
How do you treat a husband who takes you for granted?
What to Do If Your Husband Is Taking You For Granted
1. Stop nagging, arguing, and getting angry at your husband. You’re likely bitter if you’ve felt underappreciated for long. …
2. Find Ways to Show Your Husband More Appreciation.
3. In a counselling session, communicate with your husband.
What silent treatment does to a man?
In general, the silent treatment is a form of manipulation that can leave critical issues in a relationship unresolved. It can also leave the recipient feeling worthless, unloved, hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, and unimportant.
Does it hurt a man when you ignore him?
Yes. When you continue to ignore him, a thousand thoughts will race through his mind. He’ll think you’re not interested in him, or that he did something wrong to offend you.