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how to make a cheating boyfriend feel bad

Last Updated on December 11, 2022 by Sarah Smith

How to make a cheating boyfriend feel bad?

So, you’re going through a tough time. You’re heartbroken, and you can’t deal with the pain of being cheated on. There are many things that can make this happen: maybe your boyfriend has a secret girlfriend; maybe he’s unfaithful to you because he loves someone else, or maybe he doesn’t feel right about loving another woman while loving her so much.

Whatever the reason, when someone cheats on you, it isn’t just about them violating your trust – it’s also about your own feelings of betrayal and disappointment that they would do such a thing, to begin with. So how do you lay down the law? Are there ways to punish this person for what they’ve done? And what if there wasn’t anything between them at all? What if she/he was just some friend who happened to be in love with another person?

Start taking screenshots.

If you don’t have evidence of your cheats, you have to start taking screenshots.

Take screenshots of all the conversations and texts that you think might be relevant. You can also take pictures of his social media accounts.

Also, make sure to screenshot his messages with other girls!

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You are not the one who decides.

Learning to accept that you are not the one who decides is a huge step in learning how to deal with difficult situations. You cannot control other people’s actions, but you can change your reactions. It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility to take care of yourself and think about what you need from this relationship as well as from others around you.

You can’t change anyone else’s behavior or emotions—only yourself!

Do not confront the other woman.

The best way to make your boyfriend feel bad is not by confronting the other woman. It’s very important that you don’t do anything that will lead to retaliation from his side. You should also avoid any actions that would cause him to lose respect or trust in you, as well as make him question your loyalty towards him.

Don’t try to get revenge on her: Don’t even think about it! If this woman comes back into his life, she’ll probably use every trick in the book (and perhaps some new ones) in order for them both not only be together again but remain happy at all costs – including whatever means necessary.

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Do not get revenge on a cheating boyfriend.

In the end, the best way to deal with a cheating boyfriend is not by getting revenge on him—it’s by focusing on yourself and your own happiness. Try to remember that you are going through something difficult but that you are strong enough to get through it. If he does try anything else again, then don’t hesitate from calling your friends or family members for help if needed.

Do not slander him endlessly.

  • Do not slander him endlessly. Try to focus on yourself and your own life, rather than on the guy you are with.
  • Do not let him feel guilty about cheating on you. It will only make him feel bad about himself, so do not bring it up at all!
  • Do not try to cheer him up by saying things like “I know how much I hurt you when I did this” or “I’m sorry if it hurts your feelings that much” or anything similar; it would just be hurting more than helping here!
  • Do not feel sorry for yourself because of what happened between the two of you; this will only make things worse in the long run because then we are going against our own morals and values which means we have failed ourselves by doing this kind of thing (and may even come across as weak).

Reading Suggestion : Am I Overthinking or Is He Losing Interest? (7 Significant Signs)

Do not let him feel guilty.

The first step to making a cheating boyfriend feel bad is not letting him feel guilty.

Guilt is an emotion that can be very powerful and persuasive, especially if you’re dealing with someone who has been hurt by someone else’s actions before. When you allow your partner to feel guilt over his actions, he’ll be much more likely to change his ways in order for you not to see him as a horrible person or “less than” the other woman or man he was sleeping with at the time of infidelity.

Do not try to cheer him up.

Do not try to cheer him up. He will probably not appreciate it and you may end up being more of a burden than anything else.

Do not try to make him feel guilty, either. This can be perceived as an act of betrayal towards your relationship, which is something that he would never want from you anyway.

Do not try to make him feel bad about himself either—this will only cause more friction between the two of you! Instead, focus on what’s best for both parties involved here: his happiness and yours!

Do not feel sorry for yourself.

You are not the one who decided to cheat on your boyfriend, so do not feel sorry for yourself, and do not ask for pity from anyone else. This includes asking for mercy from your ex-boyfriend because he had a choice too and he made it! He chose to cheat on his girlfriend of two years with another woman instead of sticking with her through thick and thin (even though she was cheating on him too). You are also not responsible for how he felt about himself or the impact this decision has had on his life—that’s all up to him now!

Do make things as difficult as possible for him.

  • Don’t let him back into your life.
  • Don’t answer his calls or messages.
  • Don’t go to the places you used to go together, like the movies or coffee shops.
  • Tell him that he’s been a bad person and that you don’t want anything to do with him anymore. Say this firmly and clearly, but don’t be harsh or cruel about it—you’re just trying to make him feel bad for cheating on you!

Cut off all contact with your ex-boyfriend immediately.

Cut off all contact with your ex-boyfriend immediately. Don’t try to talk to him, don’t try to get him back, and don’t try to make him feel guilty. If you want your ex-boyfriend back in your life then it will have to be on your terms and not his. You should also avoid any attempts at revenge or trying to make him feel bad about cheating on you in the first place.

Don’t show that you’re hurt by what happened; this will only hurt yourself more than anyone else!

The relationship is over anyway

If your relationship is over, then it’s time to move on. If you are still talking to him and he still wants back together, then there is no point in continuing the conversation. There are other people out there who need help, so don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t want a real relationship with you anymore.

If he tries to talk to you again in any way shape or form (even just asking if they can talk), then block his number immediately! Do not answer calls from him at all unless it’s an emergency situation and only then do not say anything except “I’m sorry.” And finally: Do not try to get revenge on anyone for cheating on them; this will only make things worse for both of them later down the road by angering one party even more than before because now both sides feel betrayed by each other instead of just focusing on getting revenge themselves instead.


I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to deal with a cheating boyfriend. Remember that the most important thing is not to get revenge; instead, concentrate on yourself and your life. If he does not want to change for the better, then it’s time for him to move out! Good luck.

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People Also Ask

How do you react to a cheating boyfriend?

●   Don’t confront the other woman.
●   Don’t get revenge on a cheating boyfriend.
●   Don’t slander him endlessly, and don’t let him feel guilty about it either. It’s not his fault that he cheated! He didn’t make any choice that led to this situation; it was just one of those things that happened in life (and probably for good reason).
●   Don’t try to cheer him up because you think it will help your relationship go back to its original state when everything was fine again—but keep in mind: Cheating is not something that goes away easily, no matter how much time passes or how much you try convincing yourself otherwise.
●   Be supportive of whatever decision they make next time they want something (even if it means staying with someone else). If there’s another woman involved in their relationship then work on having another child together so he won’t feel bad about himself anymore either.
●    Make sure everyone understands what an unfair situation this really is because everyone deserves love but sometimes circumstances push us into making decisions, we wouldn’t normally choose ourselves based solely upon our feelings toward each other.

How do I make my boyfriend beg after cheating?

When you’re trying to make a cheating boyfriend feel bad, it’s important to focus on yourself. You need to figure out what you want and need in order for the relationship to work. If your boyfriend has been cheating on you, then perhaps he isn’t meeting all of those needs either.
If possible, try not to let this affect your thoughts too much because then it will be hard for him when he sees how upset and angry you are about his actions (and remember: even if he doesn’t apologize or change his mind about their affair…you still deserve better). Instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in emotion or sympathy towards him; use this time as an opportunity for reflection on where things went wrong between each other – both before and during the initial split-up process.

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