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I’m Married To A Man But Want A Woman – 5 Important Things You Should Consider

I’m Married To A Man But Want A Woman

Last Updated on December 25, 2022 by Sarah Smith

I’m Married To A Man But Want A Woman

I am married to a man, but I want another woman. How can this be? What if we get divorced and I want to stay with him? Is it possible? I love my husband very much, but he doesn’t satisfy me sexually. I have always been attracted to women, and now I know that I need more than just one man in my life. Can this be possible? I feel like I’m cheating on my husband, but I don’t want to leave him. What should I do?

Here are a few things below that you should consider before taking any further steps –

What if a woman married a man but wants another woman?

It’s possible to be in love with two people. It’s not easy, and it can be very stressful. You need to make a decision about your relationship, and you need to talk about it with your partner. If you’re honest with yourself, the hardest part of all this may just be deciding whether or not you want another woman as well!

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How do I take that step?

The first step is, to be honest with yourself. You need to be honest with your partner and you also need to be honest with yourself. It’s important that both parties are on the same page when it comes to this decision, otherwise, there will be a lot of confusion and hurt feelings involved in realizing what has happened. If you have been married for many years, then it may take some time before they understand why you are making this choice; however, if they don’t understand what is happening then it might end up being difficult for both of them.

You should also think about seeing a therapist if needed so that they can help guide and support you through this process as well as give advice on how best to deal with any issues that may arise from this situation (which could include divorce).

Will my husband be upset?

First, let’s talk about the good men. If he is a good man and you tell him about your attraction to other women and what you want to do with them, he will likely support your decision. Some men are even willing to go along with it! It might not be easy in the beginning because they will probably feel hurt by this change of plans but they can work through it over time.

If your husband isn’t a good man, then there may come a time when he becomes abusive toward either one or both partners involved in this arrangement (or simply refuses to accept any changes at all). This type of person may even make threats against those who try to stand up for themselves or others – so make sure that no matter how much we love each other it’s important not ever let our guard down around these kinds of people because once things start going south quickly no amount of love will save us from being hurt badly enough where we never want another relationship again either as friends or lovers…

What kind of relationship can I have with a woman?

You can have a relationship with a woman.

You can have a friendship with a woman.

You can have sex with a woman.

You can be emotionally attached to her, but not in love with her, or vice versa?

Reading suggestion : “What Are You Looking for in a Relationship?” Is a Test – How Should You Respond?

if I go for this, do I have to change my life altogether?

If you’re going to change your life, then it’s time to start making changes. You have to be honest with yourself and your partner about what the other person wants in their life.

Your partner may not be happy about it, but they have to respect your decision. They also need to know that you love them more than anything else in the world and would do anything for them even if it meant changing who they are as a person or leaving them behind because of a new relationship/marriage proposal.

I want to be with both at the same time. is that possible?

You can have a polyamorous relationship. You could have two relationships at the same time, both with the same person.

You can have a threesome with other people as well, but it won’t be easy because you’d have to know how to do it properly and make sure that everything goes smoothly for everyone involved in the threesome.

If you want to try something new and exciting, then I suggest that you get started right away!

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Every relationship is different

Every relationship is different, and every person is unique. You have to be honest with yourself, your partner, and the other person you are in love with.

You also need to be honest with your family and friends about what’s happening between you and the other woman.

Conclusion – I’m Married To A Man But Want A Woman

The answer to your question may depend on the kind of relationship you have with your spouse. If it is a loving and committed relationship, then you should be able to find someone else who shares the same values as well as interests you. It is always good to ask your partner first before taking any steps that may result in divorce.

Married To A Man But In Love With A Woman? Here’s What To Do

Married To A Man But In Love With A Woman? Here’s What To Do

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