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14 Love Making Tips to Make Your Partner Ask for More

love making tips

Last Updated on December 23, 2022 by Sarah Smith

14 love making tips to make your partner ask for more

Sex is a great way to connect with your partner, but it can also be an awkward experience. What if you’re having sex and everything feels wrong? Or maybe you’ve been with your partner for years, but there’s still something missing from the physical side of things. In this article, I’ll give you fourteen tips on how to make your relationship more intimate and passionate by learning these techniques:


Foreplay is the time before sex, during which you can get to know your partner’s body and find out what they like. It’s an important part of making love because it makes both partners feel more comfortable, relaxed, and confident during the act itself.

The best way to start foreplay is by kissing slowly on your partner’s neck or chest while running your hands up their arms. Slowly take off each other’s clothes without rushing anything – this will help build up excitement as well as avoid any embarrassment later on!

The Initial Contact

The first thing you can do is touch your partner. This can be a kiss, a hug, or even just a simple touch on their shoulder. The point of this initial contact is to make your partner feel comfortable with you and give them an opening for more intimate interactions later in the evening.

Your partner may not be as receptive to physical contact as other people are; if this sounds like something that would bother them (or vice versa), don’t worry about it! It’s perfectly normal for both of you to have preferences when it comes to things like kissing and hugging—and there are plenty of ways around any awkwardness that may arise during this process.

The Art of Kissing

Kissing is an important part of foreplay. It’s a way to build intimacy and trust, which can lead to better sex later on in the relationship. Kissing also works as an opportunity for you both to express love for each other, which makes it even more special when you do it regularly.

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Kissing isn’t just about giving your partner pleasure—it can also be a form of flirting with another person that says “I like what I see.” If someone wants more than just kissing from their date (or even when they’re with their boyfriend/girlfriend), this might encourage them to suggest taking things further down the road!

Body Language

Body language is huge. It’s not just about the words you say, it’s about how you say it and the way you move your body. If a man can read his partner’s body language, then he will know when she wants more sex and when she doesn’t want any at all.

When someone is in the mood for more sex, they might lean back against something soft or lean forward slightly on their elbows as if asking for something from their partner (like an orgasm). They may also stretch out their arms and legs before reaching out to touch another person or object; doing this makes them seem open-minded and receptive—two key ingredients for getting your partner into bed!

Make It Lazy and Slow

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to make their partner ask for more is rushing. Many times, we’re so eager to get there that we forget how much fun it can be to take things slow and easy. If you want your partner to experience true relaxation, then make sure they don’t feel like they have any other option but to relax with you!

Instead of trying new things every night (which will probably result in awkwardness anyway), focus on keeping things simple by doing what works best for both of you—and as long as these activities are enjoyable for both parties involved, then chances are good that this could lead towards something amazing!

Use Your Eyes

The eyes are one of the most important parts of our face. They tell a lot about what we’re feeling and how we’re thinking, but they also help us connect with other people in a way that words alone can’t do.

When you look into another person’s eyes, it shows them that you care about them and want to be there for them. It can make your partner feel more comfortable around you because they know that if something goes wrong or doesn’t feel right for either of you (like when someone starts talking about sex), then at least one person will understand what happened without having any questions asked first!

Looking into your partner’s eyes also increases intimacy between the two of you because it lets both parties know exactly where each other is looking at any given moment: eye contact allows both parties’ brains to share information directly between each other’s brains instead of through verbal communication only (which may not always work).

This means more trust being built between partners since no longer does anyone need to worry about whether their words were heard correctly – instead, all attention needs to go towards making sure everyone knows exactly what needs to be done next so things don’t get too complicated later down the track!

Be A Good Listener

  • Listen to your partner.
  • Ask questions, don’t just listen and nod in agreement.
  • Don’t interrupt them when they are talking, even if it means you miss out on the information or joke that was just said by the other person.

Show Affection

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  • Kissing is a great way to show affection.
  • You can kiss your partner anywhere, at any time. It’s like having an open-ended invitation: “Come on over and make out with me.”
  • Kissing can be done with your eyes, mouth, and hands—the three most intimate body parts that touch each other during sex anyway!

Don’t Focus on Prolonging Orgasm

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when trying to please their partners is focusing on prolonging orgasm. This is a big mistake because it can cause frustration and anger in both parties, leading to an argument about what would make them feel better.

The truth is that you should never focus on prolonging orgasm as a goal for yourselves or each other. Instead, focus on what pleasurable sensations are happening during this time together, such as skin-to-skin contact, kissing, and talking about how your bodies feel together (or not together). When it comes down to it: if one partner gets lost in thoughts of getting off early while the other partner focuses on staying connected throughout every encounter—that person will always win!

Talk About It

Talking about what you like, don’t like and your fantasies is a great way to get your partner to ask for more. It’s not only about talking about the things that make us feel comfortable; it’s also about talking about the things that turn us on.

Talking about the things which make you feel excited or aroused will help him/her understand how their actions could make you feel good/bad and encourage them to do better next time (at least until they’re comfortable enough with each other).

Do Some Role Playing

Role playing is a fun way to spice up your sex life. You can role play with a partner or alone, and it’s easy to find partners that are into the same sort of things. The best part about role playing is that it allows you to explore fantasies and try new things without having to worry about how they’ll feel in real life. For example, if one of you likes watching porn but doesn’t want actual sex with another person, then they could pretend they’re watching while the other one plays out their fantasy as if it were happening right now!

Watch Sex Scenes Together

Watching sex scenes together is a great way to learn about your partner’s likes and dislikes. You can also use it as an opportunity to get to know them better, as well.

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Watching movies with your significant other can be a fun way of bonding, but it’s also important that you talk about what happened in the film after watching it. If one person feels like they have been left out on some parts of the movie because they didn’t understand what was happening or why certain things were happening then there should be no problem with them asking questions about any parts of the film that were confusing for them!

Surprise Your Partner with New Moves And Positions

You can surprise your partner with new moves and positions.

If you’ve been together for a while, it’s time to break out of the rut! Experiment with new things, but don’t go too far. If something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately.

Don’t be afraid to ask your partner if they like something—you want to make sure that you’re not doing anything that makes them uncomfortable or uncomfortable in return.

If you want to try something new (and we all do), ask permission first so there aren’t any awkward moments later on down the road when both parties realize what was really going on behind closed doors…

These tips will help you have a better time in bed with your partner.

  • Know what your partner likes.
  • Be open to new things.
  • Be prepared to try new things.
  • Be prepared to talk about sex with your partner, or their parents if they’re not comfortable talking about it themselves (or even a friend).


Hopefully, you now have some new tips to get your partner in bed and keep him there. If you’re looking for more ways to improve your sex life, keep checking our blog for the latest articles about intimacy and foreplay. And if you want to give us a shout-out in the comments below? That would be great!

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