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What Exactly Is Preggophilia ?


Last Updated on November 19, 2022 by Sarah Smith


Preggophilia is a sexual desire for pregnant women. It’s rare, but not unheard of. Pregnant women have been portrayed in art and literature as goddesses, goddesses who can be tame or wild depending on the artist’s mood. In some cultures they are revered as holy beings; others consider them dangerous because they carry life within their wombs.

If you’ve ever wondered what preggophilia is, then congratulations – you’re in luck! Preggophiles (people who have this fetish) are everywhere. They can be found on forums and social media groups, where they share their thoughts and experiences with one another. But why do so many people find this fascinating? Why do they want to get pregnant? And why does it matter if someone else wants to find out about your fetishes?

An Introduction To Preggophilia

Preggophilia is a sexual orientation that involves attraction to pregnant women. It’s also known as “pregnant fetishism,” and it’s often confused with fetishes like pregnancy fantasy, which are more focused on the idea of being pregnant rather than having actual sex with someone who’s carrying your child.

It’s important to note that while most people have some form of sexual attraction toward pregnant women, this doesn’t mean you’re actually preggophilic; you could still be perfectly normal without having any interest in parenthood. In fact, there are plenty of people who don’t have any feelings about pregnancy whatsoever! But if you do feel something toward those who’ve recently given birth—and especially if those feelings involve being inside them—you might want to look further into what exactly makes up your own unique preggophilic identity.

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Preggophilia is not a disorder, nor is it a mental illness. It is not an addiction or compulsion to have children at any age, and it does not make you less of a person if you feel this way—in fact, it’s just the opposite!

Preggophilia is simply a fetish where people find pleasure in imagining themselves as pregnant women and engaging in sexual activities with their partners while they are imagining themselves being pregnant. These fantasies can include having sex while imagining yourself being impregnated by someone else (emissary pregnancy), or even having sex without being physically connected to another person (aiding conception).

Sign And Symptoms

  • Preggophilia is a term used to describe the erotic interest in pregnancy.
  • It isn’t known exactly how many people have preggophilia, but the condition has been reported by medical professionals and published articles since at least 2002.
  • If you think that you may be suffering from this disorder, there are several things that can help you determine if it’s something worth exploring further:
  • What kind of results would I get from a doctor? Would they be able to tell me anything about my situation? How much information do I need to know about my body before starting a treatment or doing research on my own?
  • Do I have any other health concerns (like depression) that might make getting help difficult for me personally; what should I look out for when considering treatment options?

Preggophilia, also known as pregophilia, maieusophilia, and maieuticophilia, is a well-documented fetish for pregnant women.

Preggophilia is a fetish for pregnant women. It’s also called maieusophilia, maieuticophilia and pregophilia.

It’s not a new fetish—it’s been around for centuries.

There are a lot of myths about preggophiliacs –

  • The truth about preggophilia is that it’s not just about sex with pregnant women.
  • For example, there are a lot of myths about preggophiliacs—that they want to see their partner get knocked up all the time or that they only have sex with pregnant women. These things are often untrue, but sometimes they’re not even accurate: some people assume that men who prefer pregnant women want them to be knocked up all the time (which is definitely not true), while others believe that this fetish can only manifest when you’re carrying twins!
  • So, what do these misconceptions lead us down? They make us feel ashamed and uncomfortable because we don’t understand how much effort goes into being an ally for those in need of support during pregnancy. But if you’re ready to learn more about this growing community, read on!

They’re interested in the whole experience of pregnancy.

The idea that men with this fetish are just interested in sex with pregnant women is not true. In fact, many men who identify as “preggophiles” say they’re more interested in the whole experience of pregnancy than sex itself.

This isn’t to say that the two aren’t connected; it’s just not a simple matter of wanting to have sex with a woman who’s about to give birth. For example: If you were an average person living your life and then one day discovered yourself going through some kind of transformation process—like turning blue or growing wings—wouldn’t it be weird if people assumed all these changes meant they would suddenly start having wild orgies every night? And wouldn’t anyone wonder why we were acting so weirdly?

Some preggophiliacs say that they’ve always had an interest in pregnancy.

Some people are born with this fetish, but others may have developed it later in life. Some of the most common reasons for being preggophilic include:

  • The thought of being pregnant is sexy or attractive to you.
  • You think pregnancy is cute and funny, or even both at once!

Different aspects of preggophilia

As with any sexual fetish or kink, preggophilia is a spectrum. Some people might be interested in pregnancy in general, while others may only be into lactation. Others may be attracted to watching their partner grow a belly or experiencing the whole experience of pregnancy. And some may even be attracted to both!

In fact, there are so many different aspects of preggophilia that it can be hard to define what exactly makes someone “preggo”—but what we do know is that these feelings aren’t necessarily something you should feel guilty about having or exploring more deeply if that’s your thing (or someone else’s). After all: What’s more important than feeling good about yourself?

The woman’s body does change during pregnancy

You may be wondering why this is so appealing to some men. It’s not just the woman’s body that changes during pregnancy (and it’s certainly not limited to that), but rather, it’s also about how she feels about herself as she goes through these changes.

Women who are pregnant are often more confident and sexier when they are pregnant—and this can make them feel better about themselves than before becoming pregnant. This confidence can spill over into other areas of their lives, too; when you’re feeling good about yourself and your appearance, you’ll likely have an easier time getting work done around the house or fitting back into those jeans that were tight before!

Online Forums And Social Media Groups

One thing is clear from online forums and social media groups devoted to the topic – there are a lot of guys out there who have this fetish. It’s not just something that happens in porn or fantasy, either; it’s real, and it happens all around us.

And if you’re wondering why anyone would want to be with someone else’s wife or girlfriend… well, there you go!

Maieusiophilia or Impregnation Fetishism

The fantasy of impregnating someone is called maieusiophilia or impregnation fetishism – it’s obviously common in some way since people keep ending up pregnant, but it generally refers to specific fantasies.

It’s not the same as preggophilia (the attraction to pregnant people), which we’ll discuss later on. It’s also not a fetish: if someone has a particular fetish for pregnancy, then they’d have one for newborns and toddlers too!

How does Preggophilia Start?

Preggophilia can be a combination of biological and environmental factors. Many people with preggophilia are also attracted to pregnant women who are not pregnant. The cause of preggophilia is unknown, but research has shown that there may be some similarities between individuals who experience this attraction and those who experience pedophilia.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Feeling aroused by images/stories about pregnant women or babies (this might include videos)
  • Wanting to have sex with someone who has been pregnant before (or wants sex with someone after giving birth)

Other Factors that may encourage Preggophilia

  • Pregnancy hormones.
  • The physical changes that occur during pregnancy, including the development of breasts and body hair, may be appealing to some people who are pregnant or who have been pregnant in the past. This is because these physical changes can make a woman feel more feminine and attractive. In addition, many women feel that they want to experience pregnancy for themselves; it’s not just about the baby!
  • Changes in brain chemistry due to pregnancy (such as serotonin and dopamine being released). These chemicals help regulate moods such as happiness or sadness, so they’re likely responsible for feelings of love or infatuation during this time period too!

A better understanding of Human Sexuality

It is important to note that Human Sexuality is not just about physical attraction. Sexual attraction can be influenced by hormones, genetics, and social factors.

The sexual attraction is a complex phenomenon and it’s important to understand what exactly makes up your sexual identity before you can begin to make informed decisions about your future relationships with others or even yourself.

Knowledge of Physiological Changes in Pregnant Women

  • You may be wondering, what exactly is preggophilia? Well, it’s a term used to describe people who are sexually aroused by or attracted to pregnant women.
  • Pregnancy is a time when your body undergoes many physiological changes. These include:
  • -your appetite increases
  • -you gain weight and develop a baby bump (which will disappear after birth)
  • -your breasts get bigger and may leak milk if you’re breastfeeding

Symptoms of Preggophilia: How does someone know they have Pregophilia?

It’s important to note that not all people who are attracted to pregnant women are preggophiles. While some people may feel arousal or attraction toward pregnant women and their bodies, others might only feel this way when thinking about the pregnancy itself.

For example, a person could be aroused by the idea of having sex with a woman who has just given birth (or is currently giving birth). They might also be aroused by the sight or thought of someone being pregnant without knowing for sure if she’s actually carrying a child inside her womb—and even if she does have one!

People who experience this type of sexual desire are considered “pregophiles” and not necessarily gay or bisexual; however, there is still some debate over whether or not these individuals should be classified as such based on their behavior alone (rather than their actual sexual orientation).

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What causes Preggophilia ?

There are several factors that may contribute to an individual’s decision to become pregnant. Some people experience a change in their reproductive systems, such as the ovaries or testes, that allows them to conceive. Others may be physically capable of conceiving but choose not to do so because they feel it is not right for them at this time and place in their life.

The following factors can also play a role:

  • Genetics – Your genes have a direct effect on how your body responds during periods of fertility (i.e., when you ovulate). If there are certain genes in your family tree that predispose you toward infertility then those same genetics will likely apply here too! If you do have one or more relatives who struggled with conception then perhaps this could help explain why you might struggle as well?
  • Environmental Factors – Your environment plays an important role in determining whether or not someone has difficulty getting pregnant naturally because it affects both physical and psychological aspects which influence whether or not people want children right now versus later down the line when circumstances change suddenly.”

How Do You Treat Preggophilia?

If you think that you may have a problem with preggophilia, it’s important to get help. There are many resources available to help with your concerns and take steps toward finding a treatment plan that works for you. The most important thing is to be honest about how much time and energy it will take for recovery. You can also seek out professional help if needed, such as through therapy or other support groups like those associated with eating disorders or Anorexia Nervosa (AN).

Is Sex During Pregnancy Safe?


Sex during pregnancy is safe. The American Pregnancy Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) both state that there’s no evidence that sex while pregnant causes miscarriage, premature labor, or preterm delivery. They also note that sex can help you relax and feel better physically—and it may even reduce stress levels!

If you’re worried about how having sex might affect your baby’s health or development, worry too much: There are no studies showing any long-term effects on a child who was conceived through sexual intercourse during pregnancy. In fact, if anything else were true about preggo sex then we’d all be running around with pinprick scars from having been delivered prematurely because of it!

Will preggophiles want to make more babies?

Preggophiles will want to have more babies.

Yes, this is the case for many people who are preggophiles. Some may not be so sure about it and others may only want one or two children, but most of them would like to have more than one baby in their lifetime. However, there are also some people who do not feel any desire whatsoever towards having more children because they believe that it would take away from their time with their own family members or friends instead of adding on more hours spent at home by themselves (this could also happen if you live alone).

How common are pregnancy fetishes? 

Pregophilia isn’t as common as you might think. According to a study conducted by the University of Western Ontario, only 0.7% of men and women admitted to having a pregnancy fetish in their lives (and no one knows how many people are actually aroused by it). That doesn’t mean that preggophiles aren’t out there—but it does mean that they’re not necessarily easy to find or identify with.

If there’s anything we’ve learned from our clients’ stories over the years, it’s this: if someone says they have a pregnancy fetish or preggophilia, do your best not to judge them! The first step towards overcoming any problem is learning how others handle theirs: after all, if we don’t know what works for others’ mental health problems then how can we possibly help?

Interesting facts about preggophilia

Pregophilia is a rare condition, but it’s treatable. If you feel that your fetish is negatively affecting your life, please seek help from the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) or another organization that specializes in eating disorders.

Pregophilia can be embarrassing to talk about, but there are people out there who understand what it’s like to have this kind of attraction. The internet has made many facets of life easier for us—but nothing beats talking face-to-face with someone who understands! You’ll find that they’ll be able to give advice and support through their experience as well as themselves

Potential problems with having a pregnancy fetish

While pregnancy fetish can be a great thing for some people, it’s important to understand that it could also be a symptom of other issues. If you’re having a hard time with your own body and sexuality, then this may be an indication that there are things about your life that need fixing. Pregnant people are often very open about the idea of being pregnant or using the word “pregnant” in conversation—but many still struggle with how they feel about their bodies after having children (and some never will).

If you find yourself struggling with any mental health concerns related to pregnancy fetishism or just want more information on potentially healthy ways to express what you’re thinking and feeling during this time in your life, please contact one of our friendly support staff members!

The takeaway is that even though it is a rare condition, it is treatable and there are people who can help you.

Preggophilia is also known as “preggy” or “preggo,” which refers to someone who has an attraction or desire for pregnant women. The term pregophilia was coined by author Ryan Poulson in 2008 while he was writing his book entitled “Preggo: A Crossdresser’s Guide To Pregnancy With Your Husband (or Wife).” In this book he explains why he loves being pregnant and how other men may feel about it too!


It’s not really true that men with this fetish are just interested in sex with pregnant women – they’re interested in the whole experience of pregnancy. There are also some people who are just into watching their partner grow a belly, so there’s no need to feel guilty about your preggophilia if you’re not into getting knocked up!

If you have ever felt that something strange was going on with your body or your partner’s, talk to them about it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel like you might need it; the best way to get preggophiles the medical attention they need is by getting them out of the closet and seeking professional help.

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Should You be Worried about Preggophilia?

You should not be worried about preggophilia. Preggophilia is not a mental illness, nor is it a crime. It’s also not a lifestyle choice and/or preference that you can choose to change at any time. It simply is what it is—a fetish for pregnant women and babies (more specifically, pregnant women with bellies).
Pregophilia isn’t something anyone needs to feel ashamed of; in fact, there are plenty of people who have experienced this fetish without ever feeling the need to hide it or try to get rid of it altogether!

Why do people develop a pregnancy fetish?

Pregophilia is a sexual fetish in which arousal is derived from the sight of pregnant women. It may be related to fetishes for weight gain, lactation, and swollen breasts but it may also be related to fetishment for the pregnancy itself.
It can also be an extension of other fetishes such as scatology (the study of feces), scatophilia (sexual attraction to excrement), urophilia (sexual attraction towards urine), and bestiality (having sex with animals).

What can I do to share or play on my partner’s preggophilia fantasies?

You can do a lot to help your partner understand their feelings, but it may be difficult. You should try to focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy. For example, if they have a fantasy about being pregnant and having an abortion at the same time, you could say: “I love how much I’m looking forward to going through this with you.”
You might also try comparing your own experiences as a new parent with what they’re experiencing as newlyweds or older parents (for example: “You know how much fun our kids were? Well imagine how fun it’ll be when we have our own!”).

Is preggophilia sexist?

Many people have a fetish for something, whether it’s shoes or feet or butts. While these fetishes may be considered sexist depending on the way they’re expressed, this does not mean that all fetishes are sexist. In fact, many people who have fetishes for feet or butts are attracted to them because of their shape and size rather than any other reason.
Similarly, preggophilia isn’t necessarily sexist; it’s just that those who feel attracted toward pregnant women aren’t necessarily trying to get laid by them (although some do). And if you’re looking for someone who wants nothing more than a baby in your life—and therefore doesn’t need your help getting pregnant—then maybe you’ll find someone else!

Is being a preggophile something to be ashamed of?

Preggophilia is not a mental illness. It’s not a crime and it’s not sinning. It does not need to be cured or cured at all—it’s just who you are, so embrace it! If someone tells you that you need help in this area of your life then they are wrong; there is nothing wrong with being preggo because everyone feels differently about pregnancy and parenthood (even if they don’t admit it).
There are many definitions for the word “preggo,” but I think the most important thing to remember here is that it simply means “pregnant.” There’s no shame associated with being pregnant—in fact, I personally love being pregnant right now! So if someone says something like “you can’t control when/how often/what type of child(ren) will happen,” ask them why they think this. It may seem obvious but sometimes people forget how difficult infertility treatments can be until they actually experience them first-hand themselves…

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