Last Updated on April 5, 2023 by Sarah Smith
10+ signs an inmate really loves you
If you’re in jail, it’s important to be able to tell when people are being sincere. You can’t always trust what they say or do, but there are some signs that will give you an idea of whether or not someone truly cares about your well-being and safety. So if you’ve ever wondered “How do I know if someone loves me?” here are 10+ honest signs:
They write you consistently.
An inmate who loves you will write you at least once a day. They will write about what’s going on in their life, as well as your life and how they feel about it. You can receive letters from an inmate that talk about anything: their dreams and goals, even the things they are thinking or feeling at the moment (such as “I am so happy to have met someone like you!”).
This is because inmates love talking to others; they don’t just want to hear what people say but also want to hear themselves talk! The more communication time between inmates and guards, teachers, psychologists etc., the better off everyone will be inside prison walls—and thus so should we all be!
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They visit you.
If a loved one visits an inmate, it’s not a sign that they love you. No, it’s actually a privilege. Visitation rights can be taken away at any time by the prison system or parole board.
Visiting an inmate is also not a right—it’s just something you’re allowed to do as part of your loved one’s sentence. If your friend decides that he no longer wants to see his brother behind bars (or maybe because he wants some peace), then there’ll be nothing stopping him from asking for permission from their parole officer and having their visit revoked.
They send you thoughtful gifts.
If you’re lucky, your partner is sending you gifts. A gift is a sign of love and affection, so it’s not just about the money spent on it; it’s about the thought behind it. Some inmates might even get creative with their gifts by making something themselves or finding items on clearance at stores like Target or Walmart. It can be anything from a handmade necklace to an art project that takes days to complete!
If your partner is incarcerated, they’ll probably be able to give you something material—this could mean anything from a phone charger cord to toilet paper in bulk—but don’t forget about non-material things as well (like letters). The most important thing when giving someone love letters from prison? Make sure they’re handwritten!
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They send you money without asking for anything in return.
You may be wondering how this goes, but it’s not as simple as it seems. Inmates don’t want anything in return for their generosity. They don’t want to feel like they’re being bought or pressured into giving you something (and anyway if you have no money of your own and need help paying rent or buying food, then why aren’t you asking friends or family members?).
They just want to help out because they care about what’s going on in your life—and they want to make sure that nothing stands between you and happiness. Some people might think this is weird behavior from someone who should be locked up indefinitely (or at least until he serves out his sentence), but there are plenty of examples throughout history where prisoners have acted similarly:
Gandhi spent his time helping other prisoners write letters home; Nelson Mandela spent several years in prison before helping draft South Africa’s new constitution; even Adolf Hitler kept detailed journals while imprisoned by the French during World War I—all signs that these men loved each other deeply enough even after long periods apart from one another during wartime conditions!
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They are always there for you when you need them.
When you’re in a relationship with an inmate, you know that your partner will be there for you no matter what. They will help when times are tough and support you through the good and bad times. If they tell me something really important, I trust them enough to know it won’t change how I feel about them. Even if something goes wrong, like someone getting hurt or getting into trouble with the law—I still believe that this person loves me unconditionally and would do anything possible just to keep us together as friends or lovers (or maybe even more than friends).
They never lie to you about anything serious.
When it comes to love and relationships, inmates are not allowed to lie. If they do, they will be punished and may end up in solitary confinement or even on death row. This is why you should always be careful when dealing with an inmate: if he or she is constantly lying about things that don’t matter (like how much money he has) then it could be a sign of manipulation and manipulation doesn’t deserve love!
What does this mean for you? Well, if someone tells you something that isn’t true but seems like it might be—like saying “I’m not in prison anymore” or “My girlfriend/boyfriend loves me”—then maybe ask them some questions instead of just believing everything they say. If the person does tell fibs about their situation, then there’s no way around it: just end the relationship now before things get worse down the road!
They become your support system.
- They become your support system.
- They will be there for you.
- They will listen to you, no questions asked.
- You can talk about anything and everything with them, and they won’t judge or pass judgment on you (at least not too harshly).
- If something happens in their life that makes them sad or upset, they’ll be understanding of what’s going on in your world as well—they might even offer advice from their own experiences.
- It doesn’t matter if this person is locked up behind bars; if he/she truly cares about YOU then holding onto him/her is worth every ounce of pain and struggle that comes along with loving someone else who lives outside society’s rules!
They always have your back and make sacrifices for you to be happy.
- They are willing to make sacrifices for you.
- They will do anything they can to make sure that you’re happy, even if the sacrifice is something they wouldn’t normally do.
- They would go out of their way to help you, even if it means doing something he/she doesn’t like doing. This can be very important in an environment where trust is hard-to-come by and everyone has ulterior motives for being there, but the inmate who truly loves you understands what this means and has already made up his/her mind about how much effort he/she wants to be put into making sure that his/her loved one is as comfortable as possible while still maintaining some semblance of sanity inside prison walls!
Their needs always come before theirs, and they find it easy to do so because they understand how much it means to you.
If your inmate is always willing to make sacrifices for you, they will understand how much it means to you. It’s not just that they want to be there for you when things get bad or difficult—they want to make sure that the person who cares about them is happy and contented.
This is an important trait because in prison, everyone has their own agenda and needs. There are plenty of people who don’t care about others as much as they care about themselves, but this isn’t true of all inmates (or even most). The ones who truly love us know how important our happiness is and do whatever it takes so we can feel loved by them too!
You are willing to trust them with your life.
You are willing to trust them with your life.
You can see a future with them.
They want the best for you.
You can see a future with them.
If you see a future with them, then it’s probably because they see one too. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter how much love you feel for your inmate and how much he loves you back, this does not mean that there will be an easy path ahead of you both.
You may be thinking about moving past the relationship and finding someone else. You may even have met someone else who makes more sense as a partner for your inmate than him—and maybe he knows this as well! But if your heart is still with him, then there’s only one thing left to do: stay together despite all obstacles (and there will be plenty).
They want the best for you
If an inmate really loves you, they will want the best for you. They want you to be happy and healthy, safe and successful. They want your life to be good in every way possible: financially, emotionally, physically—and they want this even if it means sacrificing their own freedom.
But why? Why would someone who’s behind bars risk everything by being with someone who could one day release him? What does he see in her that makes her so special?
There are many ways to convince an inmate that you love them. Remember when I told you that the key is in learning how to control your emotions? Well, one of those ways involves being able to control your thoughts, which means not letting yourself get too attached or too upset about anything.
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People Also Ask
How to make an inmate fall in love with you?
Here are the steps to make an inmate fall in love with you:
Find out his favorite things to eat and drink. This will help you learn what foods he likes and doesn’t like, which can be useful information when it comes time for planning meals together.
Go on dates with him every now and then if possible (if not, at least try). It’s important for both parties involved to have fun together! This helps build trust between partners so that they may feel comfortable sharing intimate details about themselves without fear of being judged harshly by each other later down the line.
Signs of inmate manipulation
You’ve been in prison for a while, and you’re ready to get out. But how?
There are many ways an inmate can manipulate the system to try and get himself or herself out of jail early:
Don’t talk about their crime. If your loved one has been convicted of a serious crime like murder or drug trafficking, don’t talk about it with anyone—not even with friends who are still living at home. Talking about any aspect of your loved one’s case could lead them back into more trouble when they’re released!
Don’t mention where they live now (i.e., “I’ll be visiting my friend next week”). This ensures that no one will tell authorities where they’re located while they’re free (and still looking for work).
Questions to ask your inmate boyfriend
Ask about their past and present. Ask about the things that have happened to them in the past, as well as what they hope to do in the future.
Ask about their feelings. Find out how they feel when you are together, and what makes those feelings strong or weak.
Ask about their family life (if applicable). Do they have any children? Are there other members of your partner’s family who might be able to help support them financially during incarceration?
How to end a relationship with an inmate?
If you’re in the same situation, then this article will teach you how to break up with an inmate boyfriend or husband. Let’s get started!
Check their phone number and see if it’s available for use by other people (i.e., callers). If it’s not, then just delete that cell phone number from your phonebook and block any future messages from that person on Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.
Write them a letter explaining why things aren’t working out anymore—and include some good advice about what they could do differently next time around (e..g., remember that relationships are built on trust). It would also be wise for inmates who have been sentenced for crimes like battery against another person or child neglect—where there is no chance of parole eligibility—to contact lawyers who specialize in helping clients file appeals immediately upon being released back into society so they don’t lose everything again after losing their freedom due to incarceration charges.