Last Updated on December 15, 2022 by Sarah Smith
10+ obvious signs my wife is not sexually attracted to me
If you’re in a relationship, chances are that you and your partner have sex at least once a month. You may even be thinking about it as you read this article! However, if your wife doesn’t seem interested in having sex with you or just isn’t interested at all, then there could be problems between the two of you. This article will explain what those signs might look like so that when they appear—or reappear—you’ll know exactly what’s going on with your wife.
Your wife doesn’t initiate sex.
Your wife may not be interested in sex because she feels pressured or obligated to have sex with you. Or maybe she’s just tired and doesn’t want to feel like a motherly figure anymore. If this sounds like something that could be going on with your relationship, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Ask her if there’s anything bothering her about the way things are going between the two of you right now. You need to know if there’s something specific going on so that both of you can work together to fix it instead of blaming each other for what’s wrong with your relationship!
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Your wife does not respond to your sexual advances.
If you’re married, and your partner has not expressed any interest in having sex with you, it’s time to ask yourself why.
- Is she mad at you?
- Is she exhausted? Tired or stressed? Sick or injured? Maybe even just not feeling well. Maybe she needs some space from her life in general and doesn’t want to deal with all the stress that comes along with being intimate with another person (and perhaps also something else). It could be as simple as “I’m too tired” or “I’m not feeling well.”
Your wife’s lack of comfort around sex could also be due to other things going on in her life—like dealing with an illness or injury—that is causing her discomfort when it comes time for intimacy. She might be preoccupied with thoughts about something else (like work) so much so that there’s no room left over for thinking about lovemaking in a sexual way.
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Your wife has a decreased interest in sex.
You’re a man, so you know how important sex is to a woman. It’s the one thing that can make her happy, and it can also help her forget all of her problems. But if your wife has a decreased interest in sex over time, then there’s a problem.
The first sign of sexual decline is when she stops wanting to have sex with you regularly—or at all! This means that she doesn’t feel any desire or arousal when she sees you naked in bed next to her or when she hears the sound of your voice telling her what kind of foreplay would be best for each other before getting down to business (which should always lead directly into penetration). If this happens often enough for more than six months without any explanation as far as I’m aware, then something might be wrong.
Reading Suggestion : 11 Physical Signs That a Woman Has Been Sexually Active
Your wife has low or nonexistent libido.
If your wife has a low or nonexistent libido, it’s likely that she doesn’t feel any sexual attraction toward you. Low or non-existent libido is common for women in their 30s and 40s, but it can also be caused by other factors: stress, depression, and hormone imbalances are just some of the possibilities.
If your relationship isn’t intimate enough—if there’s no physical contact between the two of you—then this could also contribute to a lack of desire on part of your partner. In addition to this problem being important in itself (after all…), if you’re not getting any pleasure out of sex with someone else then what’s the point? So, make sure both aspects are considered when trying to figure out why certain people aren’t interested in having sex anymore!
Your wife is critical of your performance in the bedroom, even if you have done nothing wrong.
If your wife is critical of your performance in the bedroom, even if you have done nothing wrong, this could be a sign that she is not interested in sex with you.
If she’s always criticizing what you do and how things should be done differently, then it’s likely that her perception of your skills as a lover is low. It may also mean that she thinks there are other men out there who are better at pleasing her than anything else.
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Your wife is rarely in the mood and often reluctant to have sex with you.
- She’s tired.
- She’s stressed out.
- It’s not the time of day she usually wants sex, or maybe she needs a nap first!
- She may not feel attracted to you anymore – this can happen when you’re married for a while and your partner doesn’t feel attracted to you anymore (or at all).
- Your wife could be having health problems that are affecting her ability to have sex with you regularly, such as low libido; no lubrication; painful intercourse; lack of desire
Your wife seems to be more interested in other things than being intimate with you.
Your wife seems to be more interested in other things than being intimate with you. She has a new job, and a new hobby, the kids are busy and need her attention and she’s not interested in being intimate with you anymore. If your wife is not attracted to you then it’s time to move on!
Your wife just wants to cuddle and doesn’t care much about sex.
Cuddling is a form of intimacy. If your wife just wants to cuddle and doesn’t care much about sex, this could be a sign that she’s not interested in having sex with you.
It’s important to remember that cuddling isn’t the same as having sex; it’s simply an expression of affection and closeness between two people who are already committed partners. However, if your partner has stopped initiating sexual activity with you, then this may be an indicator that something else is going on—and it could have serious effects on both your relationship and future prospects for fertility!
You ask your spouse to engage in sexual activities they usually enjoy, but they act uninterested and make excuses not to do anything sexual with you.
If your spouse asks you to engage in sexual activities they usually enjoy, but you act uninterested and make excuses not to do anything sexual with them, there could be problems between the two of you.
It can be a sign that she’s lost interest in having sex with you because she doesn’t feel attracted to you. She may have been waiting for marriage before starting an intimate relationship with her partner and now that it’s happened, she is not interested in having sex with him anymore because he has no interest in having sex with her either.
Your spouse turns down sex for no apparent reason, even when you believe you are both interested.
If your wife turns down sex for no apparent reason, even when you believe you are both interested.
This can happen when she is feeling stressed or isn’t in the mood. If this happens often and it becomes a problem for both of you, then it may be time to talk about why she doesn’t feel like having sex with you at that moment.
When having sex, your wife avoids making eye contact with you and never kisses you during intercourse. They may also avoid kissing afterward as well.
If you’re in a relationship with someone who rarely initiates sex, or if they avoid making eye contact during intercourse, it’s likely that they aren’t sexually attracted to you. This is not necessarily a sign of abuse or cheating—it could just be their way of communicating how uncomfortable they are with being intimate with you.
If your wife avoids kissing after having sex, it’s possible that she feels pressured by your advances and doesn’t want anything more than what’s required for comfort during the act itself (assuming this isn’t something habitual). In some cases, this behavior could also mean that the person has low self-esteem: if someone feels insecure about his appearance or body image but doesn’t have anyone else around who cares enough about him/herself to tell him/her otherwise (or even just give some sort of reassurance), then maybe there really isn’t any hope left after all!
In other words: always remember: no one wants anything from anyone else unless they feel satisfied themselves first—and there will always be someone out there willing (and able) to prove those feelings true by taking care of those needs first before thinking about spending time together again sometime down the future road trip.
You notice that your wife is more affectionate when you’re alone than when other people are around, or that they’re affectionate only when others are around but not when you’re alone together.
You notice that your wife is more affectionate when you’re alone than when other people are around, or that they’re affectionate only when others are around but not when you’re alone together. This is a sign of intimacy and it shows that your wife cares about you. It also means that she wants to be intimate with you, which means she has feelings for you (and not just sex).
If sex isn’t happening or it isn’t good, there could be problems between the two of you
If you’re in a sexless marriage, there could be problems between the two of you. These can include:
- She’s not interested in sex. This is one of the most common signs that your wife isn’t sexually attracted to you. If she doesn’t want to have sex with you anymore and it’s been months since she last had an orgasm, then this could mean something serious has changed in her life or relationship with another person; however, it does also mean there are issues within your relationship and needs addressing as well (such as communication).
- She doesn’t initiate intimacy very often anymore either—if at all! You may notice that your wife never initiates conversations about anything other than mundane topics such as what happened at work today or how much money we spent on groceries last week; these types of conversations rarely lead anywhere interesting anyway so why bother? It’s best if both parties take charge here because otherwise, things will drift further apart until one person decides enough is enough and moves out on their own without telling anyone else first (this usually happens when people get fed up with how long it takes them before getting back together again after breaking up).
If you think your relationship might be suffering because of a lack of sexual intimacy, there are ways you can improve the situation. If your wife doesn’t seem to be interested in having sex with you, then it’s time for some communication about what’s happening in your relationship. There are many things that can contribute to a lack of intimacy between couples overall, but one thing that often comes up is a loss of desire for each other. It’s important for both partners to listen carefully when talking about this topic so that feelings aren’t hurt or misunderstood as being caused by something else entirely (such as stress).
Attraction Strategy
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People Also Ask
Why is my wife not interested in me sexually?
● She is not interested in you sexually.
● She has lost interest in sex, and it’s been a while since she last had an orgasm.
● Her sex drive is low, which means that she doesn’t get turned on by what you do together or even by the thought of getting together with you at all anymore.
● A lot of women have this problem: they just don’t feel sexual attraction towards their husbands (or boyfriends) anymore because they’ve gone so long without being touched or having sex themselves—and when they do get started again after such a long dry spell, it can be hard to find someone who feels anything but indifference towards them!
How do I deal with a sexless wife?
If your wife is not having sex with you, it’s not because of anything you did. You may want to think about this for a second. What if she had been sexually assaulted? What if she was raped? Would the perpetrator still be responsible for his actions? Of course not! It’s the person who caused harm that needs to be held accountable for their actions and treated accordingly, no matter how unfair or unjust it may seem at first glance.
In this case, however, there is no need for anyone to feel guilty about something like this happening between two consenting adults in love with each other; instead of blaming yourself or making things into an issue where they don’t need fixing (which could lead only down a path of failure), try focusing on what could help heal your relationship: keeping an open mind while allowing yourself room within yourself so that neither partner thinks ill-will toward another; acknowledging that each person has their own troubles/issues which can impact their lives negatively; learning more about each other so as not only understand better but also appreciate even more what makes someone special in our lives.
Why do wives stop being intimate?
I know this is a hard thing to hear, but if your wife is not showing any signs of sexual attraction, she may be telling you that she needs to feel loved and cared for. Women are more likely than men to be sensitive about their partner’s needs, so if your wife doesn’t seem interested in sex or intimacy anymore—even if she says otherwise—it could mean there’s something else going on.
Don’t worry: it’s not necessarily an indication that anything serious has happened between the two of you! There are many reasons why someone might stop being intimate with their spouse (some temporary, some permanent). The best way forward is through communication and understanding what each other needs when it comes down
to physical intimacy and emotional support outside the bedroom too!
What are the signs of a sexless marriage?
The signs of a sexless marriage include:
● You’re not having sex with your wife anymore.
● You’re the only one who seems to want it.
If you are in this situation, there are steps you can take to make sure that it doesn’t get any worse than it is right now. Before we get into those steps, though—and also before I tell you exactly what they are—I need to make something clear: If nothing else works and your wife still doesn’t want sex with you after trying everything else on this list (which will hopefully happen), then there’s no reason why she shouldn’t be able to have sex with someone else! It’s entirely possible that if she really wants some fun down there then another man might do just fine for her (or even better).