Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by Sarah Smith
11 Simple Ways To Stop Watching Porn
Porn is everywhere. It’s on your phone, tablet, and computer; it’s on TV and in magazines; it’s even on billboards. But there are ways to stop watching porn if you want to change your habits for good. Here are 11 tips for breaking free from this powerful addiction:
Don’t beat yourself up.
- Don’t beat yourself up.
- Don’t let porn make you feel like a failure.
- Don’t let it make you feel like you are not good enough, or that it’s your fault that people want to watch porn with you.
- It’s not their fault! It isn’t their problem either! They’re just looking at pictures and videos on the internet—they don’t have anything else in mind when they do this stuff (and if they do, then why would they need us anyway?). So don’t blame them for enjoying themselves; instead, think about how much better off we would be without this addiction ruining our lives and relationships with others (like maybe even ourselves).
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Take a break.
If you’re feeling the effects of watching porn, take a break. You can’t just watch it for five minutes until it wears off; there’s no magic trick here. The best way to stop watching porn is not by quitting but by taking breaks from it. This means taking a week or two off from viewing pornography and then returning to normalcy once more—but this time with your thoughts about why you used to watch so much porn in the first place (and what those reasons are).
It might sound simple, but making this change will be difficult if you’ve been addicted for years on end; this is why we recommend that people take longer than one month at their first attempt at quitting because sometimes our brains don’t want us to change!
Make a plan.
You can make a plan to stop watching porn, by setting a date and time when you intend to stop.
Make a list of all the things that will help you not watch porn. For example:
- I will read books instead of looking at pictures on my phone
- I will go on hikes with friends instead of spending time alone in my room watching videos and pictures of naked people (this one is particularly important if there are other people in the house)
Write down these ideas so that they are easy for you to remember and put into action as soon as possible, Keep your plan in front of you and remember why it’s important for you to stick to it. Make a list of reasons why porn is bad, like how it can cause erectile dysfunction or make people feel jealous or insecure about their bodies. It might help to write down some things that happened when you were watching porn that made you feel bad or guilty.
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Get support.
It’s important to get support from people who know what you’re going through. You can talk with friends and family members, or you can seek out assistance from a therapist or counselor.
Some people will choose to join an online community that offers support for those who want to stop watching porn. There are plenty of groups online where individuals share their experiences, wisdom, and encouragement with each, other as they work towards their goals in life.
In addition, there are many professionals available who specialize in helping people heal from pornography addiction: mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists; clergy members (both religious leaders and nonbelievers); addiction specialists like counselors or therapy providers; couples’ therapists’ etcetera…
Talk to others who have quit watching porn.
Talk to others who have quit watching porn. Your best bet is to find someone who has been there, done that, and still manages to keep their head above water. They will be able to help you understand the process of quitting porn and can provide valuable insight into what you’re going through right now. You may also want to ask one of your friends if they’re interested in hearing about how much better off they are without porn in their life too!
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Find other outlets.
The first thing to do is get rid of your porn. Then, find other outlets for stress relief.
If you find yourself watching porn frequently, but would rather not, there are a number of activities that can help relieve stress and relax you:
- Take up exercise – It’s good for your body and mind! Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that make us feel good about ourselves. It also helps us sleep better at night because it takes away some physical tension from our muscles (which may have been caused by watching too many hours of porn).
- Spend time with family or friends – Talking about what happened during the day is always nice when we’re feeling down on ourselves; having someone listen without making fun of how weirdly dressed we look could be just what we need right now! Plus they might even suggest something completely unrelated… like going out again tonight (and eating vegan food) before laying down on their couch with me while watching Netflix shows together…
Change your habits.
You need to change your habits. Not just thoughts, but the routine itself. Change it up on a regular basis, so that you don’t get bored with it or even worse—tired of it (and then we’re all doomed).
Here are some ways you can do this:
- When watching porn at home, turn off your computer and go somewhere else for a while before returning and turning it back on again. This way when you’re done watching porn online, there is nothing left in front of you that could tempt you back into doing so!
- Change which websites/apps/games etc., have access to your browser history through settings on both desktop computers and mobile devices (if applicable). This way if someone finds out what sites/apps/games etc., have access to their browser history they won’t know exactly where they went afterward!
Create new ways to deal with stress and boredom.
There are a few ways to get out of your own head and create new ways to deal with stress and boredom. Some examples:
- Go outside. Even if it’s just for a walk or ride in the car, getting some fresh air can be a great way to decompress after watching porn.
- Get some exercise! Running, biking, swimming—things that get your heart rate up will help you feel more energized than when you were sitting on the couch watching videos of people having sex (and drinking).
- Talk to someone about how you feel about things at that moment. It’s important to talk about what happened in order for yourself and others around you to understand what’s going on inside your head so that everyone can work together towards finding solutions instead of fighting over blame or trying too hard at solving problems alone (which only leads back into unhealthy habits).
Figure out what triggers you to use porn and plan ahead to avoid those situations.
- Figure out what triggers you to use porn and plan ahead to avoid those situations.
- If you are triggered by certain people or situations, keep a list of them on hand so that when the time comes, it’s easier for you to avoid those specific triggers and focus on something else (like eating chocolate).
Face your feelings – don’t hide from them in porn.
As you can see, there are many ways to stop watching porn. The most important thing is to face your feelings and not hide from them in porn. If you feel like something is wrong with the way that you look, then it’s time for a change! You should never let your feelings control your actions or choices because they will eventually lead you down a path that does not serve your best interests.
You can stop watching porn if you are willing to work hard and try different approaches until you find what works for you.
You can stop watching porn if you are willing to work hard and try different approaches until you find what works for you.
Porn is not an addiction, it’s a habit. Just like any other bad habit, it takes time to change your behavior and make better choices for yourself. It may be difficult at first, but with time and effort (and maybe some luck), it becomes easier to manage these urges so that they don’t control your life anymore.
If you’ve been watching porn for a long time, and are now looking for a way to stop, don’t be discouraged. When you stop using porn as a coping mechanism, your life will be much better! And don’t forget: it’s never too late to change. You can do this by making some small changes in your life like taking breaks from pornography or just avoiding situations where it’s likely that you’ll use it again. You can also try to find some other ways of dealing with stress and anxiety, such as exercising or talking to a friend. You’ll feel better about yourself in no time!
What happens when you stop watching porn?
Stopping is a journey, not an event. You might feel like you’re going to break into a million tiny pieces at first, but after the initial shock of being “cured,” your mind will quickly adjust and you’ll be able to enjoy life more than ever before. Here’s how:
● You’ll feel better! The physical and mental effects of porn are just as bad for you as they are for your body—but once you stop watching it, those negative emotions will go away too. You’ll be able to focus on what matters most in life instead of obsessing over who has the best abs or which porn star will have sex with them next (or both).
● You’ll be more productive! When we’re stressed out by our jobs or personal lives, it’s easy to lose track of what really matters—and then end up wasting time on mindless distractions like Facebook or Twitter instead. But when we’re feeling good about ourselves physically and mentally? We tend to have too much energy toward things that matter rather than things that don’t.