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Woman Over 40 Dating Profile Examples, 15+ Easy Steps to Writing an Outstanding Dating Profile After 40

Woman Over 40 Dating Profile Examples

Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by Sarah Smith

Woman Over 40 Dating Profile Examples

If you’re over 40, there’s a good chance you’ve already been through the dating game. You’ve been rejected, hurt, and disappointed. You may even have had your heart broken multiple times in your life. But don’t despair! It doesn’t mean that dating is impossible for anyone who has experience in the world of romantic relationships; it just means that we need to learn how to write our own dating profiles so that we can attract high-quality partners for ourselves.

When it comes to online dating, it’s not all about the picture. The style of your profile can make or break you when trying to meet new people in this digital age. If you want people to notice your profile, then you need to make sure that it stands out from all other profiles on the web. You have one chance at making a first impression whether right here or right now! You don’t want your potential partner thinking “okay…this is pretty blah”.

In this post, we’ll show you 15+ easy steps to writing an outstanding dating profile after 40, and some tips on how to write an amazing online dating profile and get noticed by others

First, a disclaimer.

First, a disclaimer: You are not dating yourself.

You’re not attracted to your friends and family, or exes—not even if they are now married and have kids of their own (unless you want to date them anyway). And definitely don’t go looking for dates with co-workers.

Finally, if you’re still working at the same job after 40 years on the planet then no matter how much fun it is there are probably better options out there for someone who wants to find love again after a divorce or loss of passion in their previous relationship.

Be honest

As you start to date, it’s important, to be honest about your age. You don’t want someone who is only interested in dating younger women because they think they look more attractive and youthful. Be open and honest with the person you’re dating—they need to know what they’re getting into before they commit themselves.

It’s also important that you are upfront about your interests and hobbies so that the other person doesn’t feel like their needs aren’t being met because they don’t match up with yours (or vice versa). For example: “I love reading but hate cooking.” Or: “I love watching sports but hate cleaning my apartment.” These kinds of things can be used as conversation starters when talking about yourself! It shows that there’s no fear of being judged or judged harshly based on what others may think about them; instead, it shows confidence in one’s own abilities which will make anyone fall madly in love with these qualities themselves!

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Woman over 40 dating profile examples

Be real

The biggest mistake you can make when creating your profile is to lie about yourself. While it might be tempting, the first rule of online dating is that you need to be honest about who you are, because if someone finds out later on that their new friend isn’t whom they thought they were getting into bed with, all of the hard work will have been for nothing!

It’s also important not to try too hard in order to impress potential suitors—if an older woman has a tendency toward narcissism and self-absorption (and most do), then being overly chatty might lead her into thinking that she’s doing something wrong by not being more attractive or charming enough for them; meanwhile, someone more suited for relationships should keep things simple so as not take away from this person’s chance at happiness by making them feel bad about themselves either way.

Reading Suggestion : 21 Signs He Bought an Engagement Ring: Prepare to Say Yes

Be positive

To make a good impression, you should be honest and real. You can do this by being open-minded and funny.

Be positive! This is the most important thing you need to remember when writing your profile because it will help people know that you’re a good person who deserves love.

Be open-minded

  • This is the key to a successful dating profile, and it’s something that you should work on even before you start writing your first word on paper. If you think of yourself as a typical person, then all of your experiences will be similar to everyone else who shares your background and interests. However, if there are things about yourself that stand out from the crowd (like being an introvert), then this can help make sure that potential dates aren’t put off by any small details like these.
  • Be open-minded about where they go out together! You might have great fun at happy hour with friends one night but not so much when it comes time for dinner downtown afterward—and vice versa! So don’t just choose somewhere because it’s convenient; pick somewhere based on what makes sense for both of those activities too (eBay versus Whole Foods).

Reading Suggestions :

17 Signs He Wants To Make Love To You

The 3 types of men have affairs and how to spot them?

12 reasons you are dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore

Gut feeling someone is attracted to you (9 Signs it’s true)

How To Ignore Your Husband to Teach Him A Lesson? 10 Things you can do.

Be funny

You need to be funny.

But don’t be too funny. And you don’t have to be trying to be funny, either—just being yourself is enough. Be unique and spontaneous in your responses, as well as honest (but not too honest). And remember that being open-minded can also help when it comes time for the date!

Show Who You Are.

The first step to writing an outstanding dating profile after 40 is to show who you are. This can be done through the following things:

  • Showcase your personality. The more unique you are, the better! Talk about what makes you tick and how it relates to other people. When writing this section of your profile, list off all of your interests and experiences so that potential matches can see what makes you special in their eyes without having to ask any questions first (and if they do ask questions, then make sure that they get answers). This will also help them decide whether or not they want anything serious with someone like yourself because there’s nothing worse than dating someone who doesn’t have much personality at all!
  • Showcase your goals/goals within dating apps like Tinder or Bumble—this way potential matches won’t have any reason not to date someone based solely on age boundaries since those aren’t set until later on down line-ups when there’s already been contact between both parties beforehand — plus it shows us just how far we’ve come since high school graduation days where everyone knew exactly where life would take us when leaving school behind forever…

Use Proper Spelling and Grammar.

  • Use Proper Spelling and Grammar.

When you write a dating profile, it’s important to use proper spelling and grammar.

Check Your Profile for Errors Before You Publish It!

Make sure your spelling is correct by using spell checker software such as Grammarly or Google Translate (if necessary). This can help ensure that no one else will see your mistakes when they read through it later on in person or online somewhere else like LinkedIn or Facebook groups where other people may be reading it too!

Focus on what you DO want, not what you don’t want.

The third step is to focus on what you DO want, not what you don’t want. This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true! When we’re looking for love or a relationship, our minds naturally turn toward the things that make us happy. We think about what makes us feel happy and successful in life—and why wouldn’t we? It’s natural for us to want these things in order to attract potential partners who can provide them.

So, if one of your biggest weaknesses is being overweight, then writing about how much better off your life would be if only losing weight were an option should probably go right out of the window (pun intended). Instead, focus on all the wonderful things about yourself and how awesome it would be if someone like yourself could find someone just like themselves so that both of them could live happily ever after together!

Don’t Sound Bitter or Jaded.

Don’t talk about your ex-partners.

Don’t talk about your divorce.

Don’t talk about your kids.

Don’t talk about your friends who are still single at 40, or the friends who have kids now and you wish you had them back then (or vice versa). And don’t be bitter by any means—you have to remember that this is not a contest to see who is better off than the other person out there in the world today! The point of dating someone new is to meet someone different from yourself and find out if there’s something important missing from your life that can be filled with him/her instead of just another person like yourself who has already experienced all those things already!

Take Advantage of the Share Buttons.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the share buttons. You can use them to share your profile on social media, which will help you get more attention and interactions with potential dates.

Use Name Calling to Your Advantage.

You can use a nickname or pet name to your advantage when writing your dating profile. A nickname is one that’s easy to remember, while a pet name is more intimate and personal. If you already have an established nickname with someone else, then it will be easier for them to understand why you would use it in the first place!

For example, My partner and I love playing golf together because we always laugh so hard when we’re trying our best at hitting the ball into different holes on each hole!

You don’t have much time left before you’re 40—and this means there’s no time left at all! So, take advantage of every opportunity that comes along; make sure these things happen as quickly as possible so they can be used by those who need them most: YOU!!

Smile in Your Photos

  • Smile in Your Photos (and Be Excited About It).

You should smile, and you should be excited about it. You are a person who enjoys life, after all. If your photos are anything like your writing style, it’s likely that you’ll have a positive outlook on everything from the weather to relationships. So give yourself permission to look like that—to feel good about yourself and your life as you see it!

Be Honest About Your Desires and Intentions.

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Woman Over 40 Dating Profile Examples

The next step is, to be honest about your desires and intentions. It’s natural for a woman in her 40s to feel like she doesn’t have time for dating, or that she is past the age of relationships. But this does not mean that you should hide from men who are looking for a relationship! You can easily express what you want without sounding needy or desperate (which will only turn off potential suitors).

Be Specific About the Kinds of People You’re Interested in Meeting . . . but Don’t be Picky or Vague About It!

It’s time to be specific about the kind of people you are interested in meeting. However, don’t be picky or vague about it!

It’s important that you state your requirements clearly and directly—but do not go overboard with this step. You don’t want to come across as a total snob who has no idea how to interact with other people. So instead of saying “I’m looking for someone who loves animals,” try something like “I love dogs.” Just make sure that these details are appropriate for whatever kind of dating site you’re using (or if there is already an existing community on Instagram where everyone posts pictures of their pets).

Give It Time!

Don’t expect results right away. If you’re like me, you want to be able to show off your new look and get some attention from potential dates. But if you take too long to write your profile, it won’t be as good as it could be. And even if you do send it out into the world, don’t be discouraged if no one responds! Just keep working on it until someone does—or even better yet, meet someone through this process!

Don’t get discouraged when people aren’t responding right away either: remember that first impressions count and sometimes people are just busy at work or school (or both!). If they do respond after they’ve seen your profile several times but don’t seem interested in meeting up with them at all then just move on from there instead of wasting time trying again later down the road…and again…and again…and AGAIN!!!

Write a dating profile that will attract high-quality partners !

You can write a dating profile that will attract high-quality partners for yourself!

The first thing you need to know is that you shouldn’t be afraid of what people think about you, or your age. If they think it’s okay for them to date younger people, then why shouldn’t it be okay for them to date older people? The only difference between someone who is 40 years old and someone who is 70 years old is how much time they’ve been alive and what kind of life experience each person has had. Don’t worry about being judged by others; instead, focus on showing off who YOU are as an individual—and what makes YOU awesome!

Online Dating Profile Examples to Attract Men

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Woman Over 40 Dating Profile Examples

The Cliché Online Dating Profile Example

The cliché online dating profile example is negative and needy. It’s not interesting, engaging or attractive. It’s boring and full of complaints about how you’re just another victim of the world who didn’t get what they deserved in life.

This type of profile doesn’t work because it makes you look bad instead of making YOU look good—and who wants to date someone who makes them feel bad?

The New and Improved Online Dating Profile Example

The best online dating profile examples are those that are honest, real, and positive. They can be open-minded and funny as well. If you want to improve your chances of success on Match or OkCupid, follow these tips:

  • Be honest. It’s not always easy to be yourself when writing a profile but it’s important to take the time to write what’s on your mind without holding back or changing the truth just because someone might read over your shoulder (in which case they’ll probably end up deleting their account).
  • You don’t have time for games or BS in this world so don’t play them! Don’t hesitate to admit that there may be some things about yourself that aren’t perfect either—we all have flaws after all—but try not to make excuses for anything else; try instead demonstrating how great you can be despite any shortcomings.”


The Needy and Negative Energy Profile

This is a profile that you should avoid if at all possible. The truth is, if you’re looking for a relationship, I’m afraid it’s not going to work out between us. You see, I am busy and do not have time for someone who needs attention 24/7 (unless of course, they are willing to pay me money). My energy level is low due to lack of sleep over the past few days because my cat ate my blanket again…and she never learned her lesson last time!

I also find myself feeling negative emotions when around people who don’t seem like they care about themselves or others around them—even though they might seem friendly at first glance! These types of people can be hard on our psyche so it’s best not to hang around them too much longer than necessary: after all – how long could we possibly stay friends if things got too tricky?”

The New and Improved Profile Example:

The new and improved profile example is a great place to start. It’s fresh, honest, real and positive. It’s open-minded and funny too!

The only thing I ask of you is that you be yourself in your profile picture or photo—don’t try too hard or overthink it. You’ll find that people will like what they see when they look at it anyway!

People who are happy and seem positive.

People are more interested in people who are happy and seem positive. They want to be around someone who has a good attitude, is smiling, and looks at the world with an open mind and heart.

If you’re looking for love, it’s important to keep these things in mind when writing your profile:

  • Smile! This may seem like an obvious one, but if you can’t smile — even if only for a moment — then maybe this isn’t the right person for you anyway.
  • Make eye contact! It shows that you’re confident (and not shy). Plus it lets them know that they’ll get some attention from this person if they choose to talk to them online or offline too!


A good online dating profile is the first step in finding love. That’s why we created these examples to help you craft yours! We hope they inspire you to be your best self when creating your own online dating profile so that people will want more from their partners than just a casual hook-up or something similar.

We hope these tips will help you write an effective dating profile that attracts high-quality partners for yourself. And if you follow them, we know your online love life will be off to a great start!

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What is tinder like for 40 year olds?

If you’re over 40, Tinder may seem like the last place to look for a date. Tinder is known for being a hookup app for younger people, but many older daters have found success with it. So it’s not all hopeless. Tinder claims to generate more than 26 million matches per day.

What’s a good intro for a dating site?

I’m new to the dating scene, and I’ll be honest: It kind of worries me. Other possible opening statements are: “I don’t generally contact people on this, but I find you extremely intriguing.” Another one may be, “How does a person like me get a date with someone like you?”

Is 40 too old for Bumble?

Bumble’s bottom line? It’s an excellent place to begin your over-40 online dating adventure. It’s where I’ve found the most dates, had the most sex, and experienced the most heartbreak.

Is 40 too old for Hinge?

Hinge will most likely be a success if you are on the younger end of the over-40 demographic. That is not to say that an older person cannot have good fortune. Hinge profiles use prompts and personal information to give you a complete picture of who people are.

What should you not say on a dating profile?

Being too generic.

“I enjoy having fun.” “I enjoy doing activities with my friends.” “I’m a wonderful person.” These are all obnoxiously generic statements that should be avoided or expanded upon in your online dating profile.

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